Things To Know About Eyes Of Maine Coon Cats

Are you trying to get yourself a Maine Coon cat and want to know more about the cat, including the features of the cat’s eyes? Do not worry, as we have all the information and the things you need to know about the eyes of Maine Coon Cats.

Purebred Maine Coon kittens have blue, large, bright eyes set wide apart on their elegantly shaped faces. They come in various colors: green, gold, copper, green-golden, and blue. The Maine Coon kittens with white fur may have odd-colored eyes. By getting older, the color of Maine Coon cats changes. However, Maine Coon eyes are always beautiful and mesmerizing regardless of color.

It’s not unusual to find yourself staring into a Maine Coon’s eyes and wondering what this highly intelligent and playful cat breed is thinking when they stare back at you. Thanks to their large size, Maine Coons can see better than most other cat breeds. They are also very good at night vision due to their large pupils. It makes them excellent hunters. 

So, the next time you look into those beautiful Maine Coon eyes, remember that a wise and clever hunter is hiding behind them. 

Read the following section of the article to learn more about the facts of the mesmerizing Maine coon cat’s eyes.

How Many Types Of Eye Color Do Maine Coon Cats Have?

Maine Coon Kittens have a wide variety of eye colors as they inherit from their parents. Gold is the most common eye color, but Maine Coon Kittens can also have green, blue, green-gold, or odd-colored eyes. The Maine Coon is the only cat breed that can have odd-colored eyes. It may be genetically inherited. Odd-eyed Maine Coons are especially striking, with one blue eye and one green or gold eye. The white color or part white Maine coon cats are prone to odd-colored eyes. Purebred Maine Coon Kittens are born with light blue eyes, regardless of their eventual adult eye color. The eyes of your Maine coon cat can be changed with increasing age.

Why Do Maine Coon Cats Change Their Eye Color?

Maine Coon kittens are born with light-blue eyes, but their eye color will change as they grow. It is because Maine coon cats have special eye cells called melanocytes. Melanocytes start to function well after the five to six-week-old Maine coon cat and develop their natural eye color. Maine Coon cats have two layers of iris tissue, and the pigment will settle differently, depending on the cat. Some Maine Coons will have one layer that is very dark and the other that is lighter. It can give the Maine Coon’s eyes an “eyedropper” effect. Others will have both layers of their iris darken over time. 

The Maine Coon’s eyes can also change color if they experience an injury or illness. If you notice your Maine Coon’s eyes changing color, it’s best to take them to the vet to rule out any underlying health issues. Maine Coons are a beautiful breed of cat, and their eye color is just one of the things that makes them special.

However, the white color of Maine coon cat’s eyes can retain the blue throughout their lifespan.

What Are Odd-Colored Eye Maine Coons Cats?

Usually, most Maine Coons have green, golden, copper, or blue eyes. However, a small percentage of Maine Coons have one blue eye and one gold eye. These Maine Coons are called odd-colored eye Maine Coons. 

While there is no difference in personality between the odd-colored eyes of Maine Coons and the normal eye color of Maine Coons, some people think the different eye colors make them even more special. So if you’re looking for a big, friendly cat that loves to play, an odd-eyed Maine Coon can be your best choice. 

Usually, the white color of the Maine Coon cat has spotted a maximum number of odd-colored eyes. In the odd-colored eye cats, one color remains blue, and other eyes may change to golden or green golden color with an increase in age.

In other words, the Maine coons cats having odd-colored eyes is an abnormal case due to the dominant white gene in the Maine coon cat, which prevents the melanin eye cells from reaching during the development of eye color.

What Are The Parts Of Maine Coon Cat’s Eyes?

The Maine Coon is a large and fluffy breed of domestic cat characterized by its striking eyes. Here’s a quick rundown of the parts that make up a Maine Coon’s eye:


Iris is the colored part of the Maine Coon’s eye and controls how much light enters the eye. The Maine Coon cat has very large, round eyes and comes in various colors. The most common are green, blue, golden, and copper.


The pupil is the black part of the Maine Coon’s eye, which controls how much light enters the eye. The Maine Coon has very large, round pupils that dilate when it’s dark and constrict when it’s light.


The cornea is the clear part of the Maine Coon’s eye that covers the pupil and iris. It helps to protect the eye from dirt and debris.


The lens is a clear, curved structure behind the cornea that helps to focus light onto the retina.


The retina is a thin layer of tissue at the back of the Maine Coon’s eye that contains light-sensitive cells. These cells convert light into electrical signals sent to the brain, interpreted as images.

What Are The Shape Of Maine Coon Cat?

Maine Coons have beautiful, large eyes that are almond-shaped and set wide apart on their faces. These stunning eyes are one of the Maine Coon’s most defining features. In addition to being large and lovely, Maine Coon eyes are also positioned at an oblique angle, which gives them a unique look. And when Maine Coons stare, their eyes become almost circular. Maine Coons also have vertical slit pupils, which is a trait that is common in nocturnal animals. This special feature allows Maine Coons to gauge their distance from their prey better. So not only are Maine Coon eyes gorgeous, but they are also incredibly functional.

About Maine Coon Eyelashes

Maine Coons do not have eyelashes, but their third eyelid protects those eyelashes. The third eyelid is called a nictitating membrane, which helps keep the Maine Coon’s eyes clean and moist.

In addition, Maine Coons have a special type of fur called “tufts” that grow over their eyes. Tufts help to protect Maine Coons’ eyes from dirt and debris, and they also give Maine Coons cats a very distinctive look. If you’re lucky enough to have a Maine Coon as a pet, you’ll quickly discover that these special cats are truly one of a kind.

Do Maine Coon Cats Have Eyebrows?

Did you know that these kitties also have a unique feature above their eyes? Unlike most cats, Maine Coons do not have eyebrows. Instead, they have a row of whisker-like hairs known as “vibrissae.” 

Vibrissae serve an important function, helping the cat sense its surroundings similarly to its whiskers. So, although Maine Coons may not have traditional eyebrows, they more than make up for it with their remarkable vibrissae. In addition, vibrissae add to the beauty of Maine coon cats physically.

What Are Maine Coon Eye Markings

Maine Coons have a distinctive look; one of the most striking features is their eye markings. Often referred to as “mascara markings,” these lines start at the outside corner of each eye and angle down toward the ear. Maine Coons also often have what looks like eyeliner around their eyes, giving them a glamorous appearance. 

While the exact purpose of these markings is unknown, they are thought to help protect the Maine Coon’s eyes from the sun and other environmental hazards. Whatever the reason, there’s no doubt that Maine Coons are one of the most beautiful and unique cat breeds.

Do Maine Coon Discharge From Their Eyes?

Maine Coon Cat conjunctivitis is a condition caused by an infection or allergies, resulting in the swelling of the eyes. Allergies are most often the cause of Maine Coon Cat conjunctivitis, and they can be seasonal or year-round. If your Maine Coon cat has conjunctivitis, you will notice a watery or pus-like discharge coming out of its eyes. 

The Maine Coon cat’s eyes will also be red and irritated. If you think your Maine Coon cat has Maine Coon Cat Conjunctivitis, please take them to the reputed veterinarian as soon as possible so it can get the proper treatment. Maine Coon Cat Conjunctivitis is a treatable condition, but if left untreated, it can lead to more serious health problems for your Maine Coon cat.

Some Problems That The Eyes Of Maine Coon Can Have

Maine Coon cats are not usually prone to eye problems. Still, owners should be aware of a few Maine Coon eye problems, including strabismus, astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia, and conjunctivitis. In addition, owners should be aware of the Maine coon eyes signals such as redness and swelling, cloudiness, blood in or around the eyes, etc. Here are some of the common eye problems that Maine Coon cats have.


Astigmatism is a common refractive error in which the eye does not focus light evenly onto the retina, resulting in blurred vision.


Strabismus is a condition in which the eyes are not aligned properly and point in different directions. It can be caused by a weakness in the muscles that control eye movement. Strabismus can occur in Maine coon cats due to serious health diseases or genetic defects in the eyes.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin, transparent membrane that covers the white part of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelid. Conjunctivitis can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergies, or irritants and can cause symptoms such as redness, itchiness, tearing, and discharge. e. 


Hyperopia, or farsightedness, is another type of refractive error in which distant objects appear clear, but close objects appear blurry.


Myopia, or nearsightedness, is the opposite of hyperopia and is a condition in which close objects appear clear but distant objects appear blurry. 

If you notice any of these problems with your Maine Coon’s eyes, take them to the vet for an evaluation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Concerning your queries, here are some of the questions and answers in the frequently asked question section.

Why The White Color Of Maine Coon Cats Prone To Have Odd-colored Eyes?

Odd-colored eyes are a special feature of Maine coon cats. In the odd-colored eye Maine coon cats, one color remains blue, and other eyes may change to golden or green golden color with an increase in age. Maine Coon cats having white color have a greater possibility of having odd-colored eyes. It’s due to the dominant white gene, which prevents the melanin eye cells during the development of eye color in Maine coon cats. However, there is no difference in personality between the odd-colored eyes of Maine Coons and the normal eye color of Maine Coons.

How Can I Prevent The Maine Coon Cat From Eye Infection?

As Maine coon cat eyes show a different signal which might be the symptoms of the eye infection. Eye infection in Maine coon cat has a threat of blindness. Although the blindness of Maine coons chances is rare. You can prevent the eye infection of your Maine coon cat by proper vaccination with the good advice of a reputable veterinarian. Also, you can take simple steps to remove the discharge from the eye of a Maine coon cat by wiping away the eye discharge with a wet cotton ball from the corner of the eye to the outward.


Maine Coon cats are popular for their large size and unique physical features, including their eyes. They are typically oval-shaped and slightly larger than other cat breeds, giving them a distinctive appearance. Unfortunately, sometimes problems can occur in the eyes of Maine coons due to the several hazardous health impacts. We hope you will learn all the information about the Maine Coon Cat eyes, including the common eye problems in Maine Coon cats, throughout this article.

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